About OASIS - Patriot Advising Transfer Help Engine (PATH)

Hello and Welcome!

You’ve just entered the Patriot Advising Transfer Help Engine (PATH) section. This tool is designed to assist you in evaluating which of the course credits taken at a previous institution(s) can potentially be transferable to George Mason. It can also help you assess which adult learning program and concentration might be a good fit for you.

On the “Start Your Search” screen, you will be able to choose an institution you have attended and input the courses taken there. You will also be able to list other credit and training courses taken that may not directly transfer. (ie, ACE, Military, AP/IB, etc.)

As you navigate through the screens, you will be able to view how your credits might be applied to a particular concentration or program.

Please Note: You must login or register in order to save your search list and obtain other pertinent information such as estimated tuition cost and time to complete degree.


  • Please note that this database contains courses that have been evaluated for transfer equivalency at George Mason University including all courses from the Virginia Community College System.

  • In addition, this database is dynamic; we are constantly updating course equivalency data. While this data is as accurate and current as possible, the University retains the right to revise a transfer credit evaluation at any time.